From guests, customers and packages, Revv digitally transforms and manages entry processes for everything coming into your organization, improving experience and reducing your expenses, making your organisation secure and more profitable.
Transform your lobby with device agnostic, highly customizable Guest sign-in and a heavy focus on ease of use and security, walk-ins become a breeze as your receptionists, facility managers and security agents, exceed performance expectations with ReVisitLearn More
Eliminate problems with employees stealing your organisation’s time, issues with payroll management and staff presence tracking across local and remote facilities or operation zones with Revv’s Bioline, a cloud-based biometric attendance solution that’s extremely flexible and a joy to use by staff and administrators, powered by state of the art, Artificial intelligence.Under Development
Revv Events
Busy event venues, multiple halls in one location and no way to streamline attendance, not to worry RevvEvent is here to help you take that load off while you focus on those things that make your events come aliveUnder Development
Revv Queue
On average, a person spends close to 6 months of their life on a queue and with the ever increasing consumer population and service efficiency demand it becomes imperative that B to C operations become streamlined and time wasting be reduced or eliminated. Introducing RevvQueue, a cloud-based, smart and free, queue management solutions that handles all your queueing needs whilst providing analytics to help you be better and leave your customers happier.Under Development
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